At nubibase, we have set ourselves the goal of providing midsize companies with comprehensive and integrated support in meeting the challenges of digital transformation. To this end, we develop solutions that digitize the exchange of information and automate manual activities—so that despite the pressure to innovate, the scarcity of resources, and the complexity of systems, nothing stands in the way of your future business success.
We are passionate about helping companies overcome their technological challenges and achieve their goals. Our mission is to help businesses take full advantage of the digital transformation.
Our clients are our focus. We understand your unique needs and work closely with you to develop custom solutions that meet your requirements. We pride ourselves on building long-term partnerships and delivering a world-class service to our clients.
Team spirit is paramount for us—not only at work, but also once the working day is over. Whether it's taking some time out on the shores of the lake, going for a run, or cooking up a culinary treat together: together, we can achieve our goals and make the most of our strengths.
If you want to successfully help companies go digital, you need to have gone digital yourself. That's why digitalization isn't just a buzzword or theoretical knowledge for us—we live it every day. We pass our digital DNA on to our clients, creating cultures that drive project success.
In our business, it is essential that we continue to evolve dynamically to meet the demands of digital change. Through regular training and challenging projects, we continually develop the professional and personal skills of our employees—enabling us to provide you with the most up-to-date expertise.
We have reduced printed documents to a minimum in our paperless office, making an valuable contribution to environmental protection by doing so. We get our food from the Chance-Work-Perspective (CAP) supermarket in Schweinfurt, which offers products from local suppliers and gives people with disabilities the opportunity to work independently.
Wir achten stets darauf, dass wir unsere Projekte kundenzentriert, personalisiert und agil gestalten. Im Rahmen einer individuellen Beratung betrachten wir Ihre Prozesse ganzheitlich und arbeiten gemeinsam mit Ihnen an einer passenden Lösung. So bringen wir Ihre digitale Transformation meist schon mit kleinen Schritten ein großes Stück voran.
Sich einbringen, mitreden, anpacken: Jeder unserer Mitarbeiter hat aufgrund unserer flachen Hierarchien die Möglichkeit, interne und externe Projekte aktiv mitzugestalten und gezielt voranzutreiben. Denn wir sind uns sicher: Nicht durch die Fachkenntnisse eines einzelnen, sondern nur durch das gebündelte Know-how von vielen kann wirklich Großes entstehen.
Wahre Innovationskraft entsteht durch Diversität. Deshalb besteht unser Team aus Mitarbeitern mit ganz unterschiedlichen fachlichen Hintergründen. Quereinsteiger tragen bei uns genauso zum Erfolg unserer Projekte bei wie Informatiker aus den Bereichen Ingenieurswissenschaften und Betriebswirtschaft.
Tell us about your business and how we can help you with your specific digitalization project. We look forward to hearing from you.
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